Tuesday, October 19, 2010

flat line

Q:   Summarize briefly the plot of flat line?
A:   flat line is basically talking about what the future will be like with AI. It says technology took over the human brains and we let them do everything for us, like think for us and we relied on them too much. It also made some of us good and others bad, like we used the too much technology to hurt others and try to overtake and create things that we didn't even need. While others used it for good.

Q:  what is AI"s role, good or bad? why?
A:  AI could go both ways. because it could help humans solve problems that they couldn't figure out themselves, but then again they might want to take over humans.

Q: in the story, is AI evil or malicious?
A:  AI in the story is malicious.

Q: Why do the characters want to destroy it?
A: the characters wanted to destroy it, because it was making people do unblieveable things, it was also turning people's minds evil and into causing them to harm each other.

Q: How could people aviod this scenario comming true in life?
A: they could avoid this by limiting the rate at which electrical inventions are been made and also try to make people not rely so much on the computer as the case is about to be in very few years from now.

Q: Do you believe AI would be a good thing, bad thing, or not possible? give two reasons to support your view.
A:  I think AI would be a very bad thing. First, it would be people out of jobs, i mean who would want to employ a human who doesnt even have half the brain a robot will have by then? no one! It could also make people evil, when you see you can use science to make yourself immortal or maybe can control minds and rule the world, you would be so tempted to try it.

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