Tuesday, November 2, 2010

Bicentennial Man Blog.

            Robots are a huge concern to computer genius because they believe that someday, robots would take over humans. A writer Issac Asimov who came up with the three laws of robotics thinks if robots can obey these laws that humans would be able to have them under their control. First law is " robots should obey human orders", i think this law is not accurate because just like in the movie the girl asks the robot to jump off the window which is just trying to kill him and that's not right. Second law is he should obey humans unless they ask them to do something that's not right and third one is they should protect themselves.

          If a machine had human level intelligence, and functions entirely independently, i think it should be destroyed and thrown away  depends on his behavior towards humans and everything around him. If his just moving around just like every other human and not going around doing the wrong things, then he should be considered alive. Just like in the movie, Andrew had high intelligence even higher than humans and people became concerned about it; But he did not have any intentions of hurting anyone or using his intelligence to do anything out of the ordinary.

        Also robots aren't supposed to be used as a form of slavery, although that was the purpose they were been 'invented' or rather 'created'. But i think it shouldn't be that way because they are properties and could be used for so much more instead of just a form pf slavery to humans. As they function they pick up everything that is new to them and from there start finding out what is real to them although they may not completely get it like we humans do. Andrew became really intelligent after functioning for so many years that he changed himself to have all human features.

         I believe AI could happen, i mean it has already started. When you go on google and try to find or search something, it automatically shows you options related to the little you typed and it doesn't, after a fews minutes or hours go back and search for that same thing you will see that it comes up as you start typing the words. In a few years or maybe a lot more from now, AI could be what we'd have to rely on like we would want it to think for us, teach us, and even do all our works for us.

         Overall, i think AI would be a bad thing depending on how the case maybe by the time people deceied on how and what to use it on. There are so many reasons why i think its bad like: people would want to invent robot to do their every work for them, as this would be known as modern slavery. Every one would want to own a robot because they can do everything that we humans can't and maybe someday when robots feel they don't need us to control them anymore, they will decide to kill humans or maybe make their slaves and rule us. People will be put out of jobs because companies will want to use automatic machines that doesnt require humans watchin over them.

          Bicentinnial Man is a really good movie on what would be expected of AI, though it only potrayed a more positive side of how the situation would turn out. I feel it's very realistic because humans are capable of inventing a robots like Andrew who might even be way smarter than him and will someday not only request to be human, but would also want to be president. And everyone would want to know what its like to have a president robot. It did stimulate so much thought in the movie, like a robot seeing himself as human and wanting to get married and changing himself completely just to be accepted as human. I also think they would develot feelings and someday if provoked, kill they person who made it angry and it really doesn't need that much weapon to do that. This movie is a really good use of class time because it expains how and what we should except of AI.

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